Out of stock Southern Painted Turtle Retail: Was: Now: $89.95 - $139.00 Southern Painted Turtles ( Chrysemys picta dorsalis )are found on both sides of the Mississippi rive…
Choose Options Brazilian Sliders (Trachemys D'Orbigni) Retail: Was: Now: $229.00 - $449.00 Dorbigni Slidders are a remarkable species native to the tropical rainforests of Brazil, Uraguay and…
Choose Options Rio Grande Red Eared Slider - Garden Pond Sizes Retail: Was: Now: $54.95 - $99.95 A very brilliantly colored phase of the Red Eared Slider; as their name implies, Rio Grande Red Ears…
Choose Options Rio Grande Red Eared Slider Retail: Was: Now: $24.95 - $99.95 A very brilliantly colored phase of the Red Eared Slider; as their name implies, Rio Grande Red Ears…
Choose Options Mississippi Map Turtle Retail: Was: Now: $34.95 - $195.00 Mississippi Map Turtles are excellent starter turtles, and they make fine community turtles as well.…
Choose Options High Orange Ouachita Map Turtle Retail: Was: Now: $129.00 - $199.00 Very similar to our High Orange Mississippi Map turtles, we hatched one small clutch of Ouachita Map…
Out of stock European Pond Turtle Retail: Was: Now: $129.00 - $229.00 European Pond Turtles inhabit the slow moving rivers and streams of Spain, Portugal, France, Greece,…
Choose Options Ouachita Map Turtle Retail: Was: Now: $39.95 - $89.95 Our Adult Ouchita Map Turtles are large 6 - 8 inch females. They do very well in deep ponds with lot…
Choose Options Mexican Ornate Slider Retail: Was: Now: $54.95 - $249.00 Found only in Mexico and Honduras, Mexican Ornate Sliders are a very pretty slider, with deeper colo…
Choose Options Florida Red Bellied Turtle Retail: Was: Now: $34.95 - $7,595.00 Florida Red Bellied Turtles are brightly colored as juveniles, they make excellent starter and fine …
Choose Options Southern River Cooter Retail: Was: Now: $34.95 - $119.00 In the Southern U.S, from Virginia to Mexico, there are many species and subspecies of Cooters. The …