Product Description
Our water turtle diet is the very same food that we raise our hatchlings on - and feed our breeders. It is the best mix of protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals available. It's the right size for every size turtle; and it is made for both vegetarian and carnivorous species. We have some species up to third generation using this diet as the primary food. For years now we have recognized that it brings out the brightest colors in our turtles.
Diet Size:
Medium - 9.5 oz.
large - 1 lb. 4 oz.
Jumbo - 3 lb. 12 oz.
Our 9.5 ounce package will feed 2 small turtles for about six months or 2 medium turtles for about 3 months.
Our 1 pound, 4 ounce package will feed 2 small turtles for about a year, or 2 medium turtles for about 6 months
Other Details
Water turtle diet
Been using right at 2 years now. Staple for my Australian River turtles. Turtles ….there are 3
Turtle food
Received the food I ordered quickly with my turtle purchase, A++!!
Turtle food
Food came in sealed baggy. I guess he likes it !
My 12 water turtles gooble these things up along with live night crawlers & frozen Jumbo Krill. Best I can tell, this is a very good combination for having healthy turtle friends :-)
Awesome food
Our turtle absolutely loves this food. Super fast delivery. I Love this store.