Out of stock Greek Tortoise Retail: Was: Now: $219.00 - $699.00 Greek Tortoises, (Testudo graeca) are found in along the coasts and in the hills and mountains of so…
Out of stock Cherry Head Red Footed Tortoises Retail: Was: Now: $275.00 - $339.00 Cherry Headed Red Footed Tortoises are a very pretty, slightly smaller version of the classic Red Fo…
Out of stock Burmese Black Mountain Tortoise Retail: Was: Now: $575.00 - $895.00 The Burmese Black Mountain Tortoise (Manouria emys phayrei), is a very handsome, high domed tropical…
Out of stock Aldabra Tortoises Retail: Was: Now: $2,695.00 - $3,995.00 Aldabra tortoises, Geochelone gigantea (meaninghuge land turtle) are the world's second largest liv…
Out of stock African Pancake Tortoise Retail: Was: Now: $319.00 - $795.00 One of the oddest & rarest tortoises species ever seen, the African pancake tortoise actually ha…
Out of stock Kleinman's Tortoise Retail: Was: Now: $595.00 - $1,495.00 Once a very common tortoise, Kleinmann's tortoises are now one of the hardest to find anywhere. Foun…
Out of stock Ivory Cherry Head Red Footed Tortoises Retail: Was: Now: $1,995.00 - $2,995.00 Just like with Ivory Leopard Tortoises, if you raise Red Foots indoors, every once in a while the gr…
Out of stock Honey Colored Red Footed Tortoises Retail: Was: Now: $275.00 - $295.00 This pretty tortoise hatched from our group of high colored adults. It's shell is a golden honey col…
Out of stock High Yellow Indian Star Tortoises Retail: Was: Now: $675.00 - $695.00 When you breed very pretty adult Indian Star Tortoises, every so often a clutch of high yellow hatch…
Out of stock High White Leopard Tortoises Retail: Was: Now: $359.00 - $379.00 We held back and bred for lighter and lighter colored Leopard Tortoises over many generations. Here'…
Out of stock High Orange Cherry Headed Red Foot Tortoises Retail: Was: Now: $375.00 - $395.00 When you hatch a lot of Cherry Heads, every once in a while something cool comes out... This year we…
Out of stock High Colored Cherry Head Red Footed Tortoises Retail: Was: Now: $375.00 - $395.00 From the same parents that produced our Black Cherry Head last year, this crazy colored little torto…