Product Description
Melanistic Red Eared Sliders are lacking all skin pigments except for blacks and grays. Not often seen, these unusual turtles are like looking at a negative of a normal colored Red Eared Slider. Mixing Melanistic Red Eared Sliders with albinos and other rare colors is a very interesting concept for breeders. Their husbandry and behavior is identicale to normal Red Eared Sliders and follows:
The most common turtle available the world over, Red Eared Sliders make excellent starter turtles, and adults will brighten up outdoor ponds in nearly all US temperature zones. They do well in tanks, water and land setups, and when kept with most other species.They bask frequently, and will even pile on top of each other for the best sunning position. In community set ups, it's often the red ears example that quickens other species taming down. Red ears are omnivorous, eating pellets, most greens, insects, fish, mollusks etc.
*Please note that Virginia and Florida do not allow Red Eared Sliders to be possessed by the public - so we are not able to ship Red Eared Sliders to those states. Florida does have a special exception for the different color morphs including: Ghost Red Ears, Albino Red Ears and Hypo/Pastel Red Ears; all of which can be shipped to Florida destinations.