Each year our High Orange Ouchita Map Turtles lay 10 - 15 clutches of eggs. From these, we hatch roughly 120 turtles from them. This year, one clutch of 6 all hatched very different looking. Their shell and skin colors are noticeably very light & bright. Instead of gray & white, these 6 are all a cinnamon/tan and faded yellow color (see the pics).
They're either some sort of hypo or pastel mutation. In your hand or in your tank, they're very unique and impressive.
They're thriving and growing nicely eating pellets, romaine lettuce and the occasional piece of salmon or earth worm. At 6 weeks old they are now ready for new homes...
Each Cinnamon Ouchita Map Turtle comes with a normal gray colored Ouchita Map Turtle for comparison and companionship (A $34.95 value).
We only hatched 6 so don't wait to get one !